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Repatriation Ceremony

October 23rd 2010

U.S. Army Honor Guard members, from left, Sgt. Mark Kring, Sgt. Miguel Almonte, Staff Sgt. Christopher Dreager and Staff Sgt. Christopher Neideigh, carry the urn with the remains of Lt. Col. Boyd "Buzz" Wagner to the burial site.

Buzz Wagner's nephew, Colonel Boyd Gilbert USAF (Ret.) and Wife Sally

Flag fold by the US Army 458th Engineer Battalion Honor Guard

Colonel Doug Lengenfelder (USAF Ret.) presents flag to Colonel Boyd Gilbert

United States Air Force 17th Weapons Squadron provided flyover

17th Weapons Squadron commander Lt. Col Daren "Shotgun" Sorenson (right) AFA-PA State President Robert Rutledge (center) and 57th Wing Vice Commander, Col. Barry R. Cornish (left)

Citation presentation, 5 November 2010

Remains Arrive at Grandview

Capt. Wooten, US Army escort, Bill Burns Chapter 221 President, Col. James Moschgat, honorary escort.

Capt. Wooten signing over the remains

Urn bearing the remains of Buzz Wagner

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